
Friday, March 30, 2012

Habanero Apricot Jam-Salsa!

Seriously Yummy!  
This is one of the best things I have EVER made and eaten!!!  
This is a must try recipe!
Habanero Gold Jelly

1 cup diced, dried apricots
2 1/4 cups white vinegar
3/4 cups finely diced red onion
3/4 cups finely diced red pepper
3/4 cups finely diced habanero (including seeds)
9 cups sugar (I use evaporated cane sugar)
3 pouches liquid pectin

Dice apricots and measure into a large, deep stainless steel pot with white vinegar.  Let stand for 4 hours.
Meanwhile, dice onion, seeded red pepper, and habanero with seeds.
After 4 hours, add onion and peppers to the apricots.  Stir in sugar.
Heat on high until it boils.  Stir constantly!  Boil hard for 1 minute.  Remove from heat.
Immediately stir in pectin.  Mix well.
Pour jelly into mason jars dividing solids equally among jars.
Close lids.  Process 10 minutes.
Cool upright until lids pop - about 30 minutes.
When lids have popped but jelly is still hot, carefully and slowly invert, twist and rotate jars to disperse solids.  Repeat as necessary until solids stay suspended in jelly.
Makes 6 pints.

To Eat :)
**Pour over cream cheese and serve with crackers, tortilla chips, or baguette bread.
** Pour over chicken (or another meat) and bake- recipe to come!
**Please share your recipe ideas with me!!!


  1. made it! LOVE IT! who knew! and its not crazy spicy. I almost did not put all the habanero - but I'm glad I did. So good! Had it with brie and crackers

  2. made it! LOVE IT! who knew! and its not crazy spicy. I almost did not put all the habanero - but I'm glad I did. So good! Had it with brie and crackers
