
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shake It Up!!

Today has been kinda a rough day over here at the Westra house.  Early morning dentist appointments for the kids-no cavities YAY, followed by an emotional visit to the hospital for my Isabel so she could visit her very special Great Grandpa before a very risky surgery.  After a very hard morning all the kids had what we call the punies.  Headaches, sadness, worries and stomach aches.  After laying around resting for a bit the "I'm hungry mom" started to echo through the house. As I started looking for something to cheer them up for snack  I noticed the bruised pineapple on my counter that has needed to be used asap.  Add a little of this and that and tada
Pina Colada Milk Shake
Big Smiles All Around!

Fresh Pineapple
Vanilla Ice Cream
Coconut Extract to taste
Pure Vanilla Extract to taste

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