
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank Goodness For Comfort Food!

I love myself a good meat loaf!  Bet ya didn't know that about me!  Anyways, what I don't love is a dried out hunk of meat topped off with a dab of ketchup masquerading as a meatloaf.  You all know what I'm talking about.  We've all eaten that ole thing at least one time in our lives.  Well no more my friends, no more!   Now you can make you and your family the yummiest, moistest, most fab meatloaves this side of the Mississippi.  The best part(besides the taste of course)is that there are no fancy ingredients.  I mean really don't you just hate it when you see a picture in a mag. of something that makes your mouth water only to find the recipe back on page 475 with all weird ingredients.  You will not find recipes like that on this blog.  Heather and I have way too many kids between the two of us to drive around to five grocery stores for something smancy.  Okay, back on point-the ingredients for personal(that's right, I said personal)meatloaves are as follows...

1 lb ground beef
1 package stuffing(stovetop brand is great for this)
3/4 cup onion either fresh or dried
1/2 cup BBQ sauce(I use Sweet Baby Ray's)
1 1/4 cup chicken broth

Place all the ingredients in a bowl.  Roll you sleeves up your going to dig in with your hands.  Make patties.  Place patties on a baking sheet.  I always spray my baking sheet with Pam so the meat doesn't stick.  Now the meat is going to be very moist.  You might even think to yourself that maybe you are missing something because it feels like it may fall apart.  Don't worry it is supposed to be like that.
Once you have all your patties on the baking sheet top them with either ketchup or more BBQ sauce.  Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes.
At our house I served them with ranch mashed potatoes, corn from my garden, and green beans.  Dessert was homemade canned applesauce. 
So there you have it folks, good old fashioned comfort food.  There's nothing like it!